What Is Mentalisation-based Therapy & How it works?

Mentalisation-based Therapy

Mentalization-based Therapy is a type of psychotherapy that helps people understand the way they experience their own thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It’s not just a simple talk therapy. Rather, it’s a deeper approach to understanding oneself.

The goal here is to help individuals develop better relationships with themselves, others and the world around them. There are two main approaches to this therapy, which we will discuss in the next paragraph:

Affective-Based Treatment – The aim of Affective-based treatment is to change negative beliefs, emotions, cognitions, and interpersonal relations.

Behavioural-Based Treatment – The aim of behavioural-based treatments is to teach patients skills to manage their emotions, behaviours, and interpersonal interactions in order to reduce distress and improve functioning.

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How Mentalization-based Therapy Works

You know that you have a problem when you’re suffering from anxiety. If you want to learn how to deal with your fears, then you should consider reading the article below. This is a guide that explains why you need to be careful about your thoughts while dealing with stress.

One of the most important ways to cope with stress is by thinking in terms of probabilities. You don’t always get what you expect, so you shouldn’t assume that you’ll suffer from the same thing over and over again. For example, you might end up getting sick when you go to work. However, you also might find yourself feeling great when you go to the doctor’s office.

In order to understand this better, you need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. When you do that, you can start to see that your emotions aren’t necessarily linked to reality. In fact, they are often based on your beliefs about the world.

If you feel that you are constantly worrying about something, then you may actually be worried about nothing. Instead, it could be that you have a belief about what is going to happen.

For Which Purpose Mentalization-based Therapy

Mentalization is a process that involves understanding your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours from the perspective of another person. The goal of this type of treatment is to help patients understand their behavior through empathy.

It’s important to note that mentalization doesn’t involve trying to change the way you feel or act. Instead, it helps you gain insight into how you behave. This means that you’ll be able to identify the underlying causes for any problematic behaviors, and you won’t have to struggle with them anymore.

This form of psychotherapy is used in the treatment of borderline personality disorder, depression, eating disorders, and anxiety. It also works well in couples counseling and family therapy. Also visit psychiatrist and therapist near me office.

point: If your partner says that he/she is not attracted to you, don’t take it personally. You can still enjoy a healthy relationship without feeling rejected.

What Are Process of Mentalization-based Therapy

Process of Mentalization-based therapy (PMBT) is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on the way people relate to their own experiences, rather than focusing solely on how they feel. The aim of PMBT is to help patients become more aware of themselves and others.

In order to understand someone else, we need to be able to empathise with them. This means being able to imagine ourselves in another person’s shoes. We can use this skill when we talk to other people, but it also applies to our relationships with ourselves. If we want to change the way that we behave towards others, then it will first require us to learn to treat ourselves in a different manner.

If you’d like to read more about the benefits of PMBT, you should check out the article below.

You can prevent yourself from having negative thoughts by learning to recognise your own emotions. For example, if you’re feeling angry, try to notice whether you are experiencing negative feelings such as jealousy or resentment.

By doing this, you will start to develop an awareness of your emotions. As a result, you may find that the negative thoughts stop occurring.

Mentalisation based therapies have become more popular with the passage of time. These techniques help people to understand their emotions and thoughts properly. The mental health professionals use these methods to treat different psychological disorders.

Ptsd psychiatrist near me says that Mentalization is the method of treating various kinds of problems such as depression, anxiety and stress etc. In this therapy you will learn how to identify your feelings and think about them before acting on it. This technique helps you in getting rid of negative thoughts and habits.

Process of Mentalisation Therapy

In order to do a proper analysis of one’s own emotion, you should first start with yourself. You should ask the questions which may help you to get answers for the following topics: what I like? Do I want to keep the things or give up? Am I happy right now? Is my mood good or bad? What is the reason behind it?

Once you have understood your internal state, then you can go ahead and talk about it. When talking to others it is important to be honest so that they don’t misunderstand. Try to find out all the possible reasons why the person was behaving in a particular way.

Try to create an environment where there is no tension. Talking about a problem when the mind gets free from the stressful situation will lead to a better solution.


In conclusion, I have found Mentalization-based Therapy to be an effective method for working with people who struggle to understand themselves, others and the social context in which they live. The aim of this approach is to teach clients how to recognize their own emotional states and those of other people in order to gain a better understanding of them. This leads to a reduction in dysfunctional behaviours such as self-harm and suicidal behaviour. In addition to being a useful clinical intervention, mentalization based therapy has been shown to increase psychological wellbeing and improve relationship functioning in couples.

For those who need specialized support, consider looking into ABA therapy Hong Kong, which provides structured interventions to help manage various challenges, including those related to academic anxiety.