How is the CBSE School Fee Structure Justified? 

Parents want the best educational experience for their children, and to achieve that, they put in efforts to find the right school. But, when it comes to international schools, they often find the class 11 fees 2023 structure unjustifiable as compared to some other schools. However, all we need to do is consider the educational experience provided by these schools. 

International schools not only provide students with excellent academic exposure but also varied experiences through a wide range of activities that help develop their mental, emotional, and social skills. Skills that help develop their overall personalities and prepare them for an excellent future ahead.

Here’s what makes the CBSE school fee structure valid on account of the facilities provided by the schools.

CBSE curriculum:

The curriculum followed by International schools employs innovative teaching techniques to promote the reasoning skills and the analytical skills of students. Through such a curriculum, schools offer a solid platform for students to develop their academic strength. 

The CBSE curriculum is reputed all over the world. It hones the innate skills of the students and helps them gain entry into prestigious universities worldwide. 

Students gain a deep insight into a variety of subjects. They also receive the guidance and support to develop leadership and entrepreneurial skills, imbibe universal values, and discover a love for life-long learning. 

Extra-curricular and Co-curricular Activities:

By taking into consideration the varied extracurricular activities offered at International schools, one can justify the CBSE school fee structure. The schools empower the students to discover their hidden talents through extracurricular and co-curricular activities. They are encouraged to participate in activities of their choice, which inspires them to put in their best to succeed in those activities. Also, read about the admissions process of school in Noida

As a part of the curriculum, students are introduced to universal values and teachings of great leaders that help nurture their spirituality. These values help students further develop their personalities and prepare themselves for a successful and secure future.


  • Class size: An important facility provided by International schools is the class size. A small number of students per class ensures individual attention to every student. Teachers can, thus, focus on every student and help them in areas that need extra attention. Students benefit greatly from such individual attention and better their performance with the help of added support.
  • Modern facilities: Apart from an ideal student-teacher ratio, students get a chance to study in smart classrooms in a world-class infrastructure with state-of-the-art facilities. In the smart classrooms of these international schools, students are provided with tools for contemporary education. The classrooms are digital, which means students have access to internet services. There is also ease in student-teacher collaboration due to digitalization. 
  • Digital classrooms: Teachers use interactive screens in the classrooms that stream videos and airdrop documents to share with the students. Besides this, the presence of virtual classrooms helps students get access to educators from different parts of the world for collaborative learning. Virtual classrooms help students record the lectures and access them during exams for revising their lessons. 
  • Multicultural environment: Students get to experience a multi-cultural environment at their campus that gives them a broader perspective. It helps them learn about diverse cultures and respect diversity.
  • Excellent faculty: The faculty at international schools are highly trained and passionate about their work. They are experts in their fields and highly experienced. They make it their mission to provide knowledge to their students, inspire them to do their best, and support and guide them in every way they can to ensure their academic success.


The curriculum, extra-curricular activities, and various facilities offered at the international schools give students the best educational experience. Not only do children improve their academic performance, but are encouraged to work on their overall personalities. 

This helps them immensely in their future educational journey. However, to give their children the best, parents should do thorough research and visit the different schools before finalizing the one they think is the best. To know more, book a tour


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